Informative Insights to Aspergers Syndrome

The Aspergers disorder developed as unknown Syndrome (AS) affects how the individual brain processes information. The influence of symptoms in early child hood and a child's social skills, emotional and communicative, and child's behavior. The syndrome is a chronic disease that has no known cure. Can make to improve the quality of life through social education, intervention, treatment and medicines are made. The symptoms of Asperger syndrome can be mild to severe. There are two children, both with Asperger syndrome have the same symptoms.

Most people have as they are, as "strange" or called as "eccentric". The symptoms especially in children may be similar to children with autism, except that children with AS have a normal good language and cognitive skills.

The most common symptoms of Asperger syndrome are:

Informative Insights to Aspergers Syndrome
Extreme difficulty, Friends Preference to play with adults, older children or children who are below the A literal interpretation of everything said Not being able to understand the rules of conduct Not being able to verii altriprendere or have feelings of sympathy for the feelings of others Aggression and anger when things don't go their way The need for routine and very difficult to accept change A narrow area of ​​interest or obsession with a subject Appearing Odd or eccntric Positive attributes Aspergers.

People with AS often excel in a field that they become obsessive. As a general rule, enjoy enjoy academic and professional success. They are usually high-normal IQ, with a large vocabulary. They usually have a good memory for the particular topic that they enjoy. Employees, the AS usually are dedicated and committed to their work, provided they work in a supportive environment. Usually you have to beat a very strong drive to work.

Since Aspergers syndrome is a disease, there is no recovery from it or someone can capture from someone who has it. As the individual ages with AS learn to deal with the symptoms and reduce the symptoms begin.

There is no known cause for Aspergers syndrome, although it appears in some families and a link with autism in the majority of families with Aspergers syndrome It seems that the syndrome of Aspergers may be inherited. There are some theories that the syndrome of Aspergers occurs during fetal development may, before or as the result of a possible virus infection or shortly after birth.

Once the suspicion that something "different" of a child, a doctor may initiate assessments, evaluations and tests that can determine a diagnosis. Social and emotional skills, communication skills, motor skills and ability to learn, and be determined.

People with Asperger syndrome really good memory, but the difficulties with social skills, emotional and communicative. They are often told that they are different, are eccentric or odd.

High Functioning Autism The Symptoms and Signs Explained

High Functioning autism (HFA) is comparable with classic autism, with some differences. High Functioning autism is an informal term for people with autism who have an IQ of 80 or more. This marking must be done carefully, as well as the determination of IQ sometimes difficult to measure with standard caliber. People with HFA can speak, read and write at the bottom are not cognitively challenged. Many are diagnosed with HFA to live independently. Many people with High Functioning autism do not need constant care. Some live independently, while others live in a situation of group life. Most are able to work independently and hold full-or part-time. Unlike traditional autism, high functioning people with autism are more tolerant to change. People with HFA are more accepting of change so much time for preparation is available.

There are still problems with HFA sensory occupied. The "tick" are still present, even though the person may not even notice which agitated.

High Functioning Autism The Symptoms and Signs Explained

Although high IQ's, which, as someone with high functioning autism classified, people could still be a delay in the communication of events and less emotional in his speech. If you could go on talking, even if thetheir audience may have lost interest in, and non-verbal signals that indicate dass.

People with high-functioning autism like other autism spectrum, like routine and order. You can also stay for a limited wardrobe. Even with the higher IQ and more the ability to work independently, social interaction can still be difficult. They can be seen as too serious or more serious, and may be hampered due to delays in social interaction in a "normal" social scene. People who described the difficulty of high-functioning autism start love and relationships of friendship and are often seen and is too smart or nerdy. This often leads to low self-esteem and loneliness. These people are often referred to as strange or are often targets of bullying.

Some people have a slight difficulty with motor skills and coordination. This can be seen as awkward or embarrassing. Sensory and motor dysfunction is often associated with those who HFA to be associated. These motor skills can be helped with physical therapy. Some may also harbor ordinary movement. People with HFA don't of empathy, even if they do not know how to express it.